1. jaja was definitely clueless and suprised. (tengok muka dia laa)
3. day 2 telor +tepung + cake
4. loves, US - the team.
surprise surprise ajja. well kiky planned the whole thing for you,sweet kan.. wanie just crash the party je. hihihihhi.
and jaja,thank you so much for your day 2 party,the food was awesome,the puak of main xbox and cards was awesome,the clique "weyh meh la tangkap gambar ramai2" was definitely awesome,the "aku online myspace jap je-owh tgk pic ni" was awesome,the aku kejar kau satu-rumah was awesoem as well and the awesomerssss of all was "Day 1 & 2 awak tetap kena tepung + telur + banana choc cake"!!!
and dear friends,please turn korang next so jangan harap dapat lari!!!
hahahha.beshh gile..aku sukee~!!thanks to apekk gakk sbb support kek n blaaa..blaaa..thanks to penaja,(aser) bwk xbox..to gb bwk kad..n awk kak menaja camera.wkakakakka
p/s:kak ko jgn lupe ari ko dah dekat..soooo tungguuu..jgn nk pakai bj cantik sgtt..kang nyesal..heheheh
kiky : hahahah siap ada penaja..
waaaahhhh.. tak lupa juga penaja lain2.. penaja perut! hahahaha
p/s : excuse me? ehemmm hello???
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