Sunday, October 9, 2011


woaaah dah almost a month tak update.
serious, gua dah tatau nak tulis apa.
samada gua mmg dah tak creative atau gua dah boring..

nways semalam gua pegi rockaway..
sebab utama : THE USED.
gila apa, 2 hari sebelum rockaway baru gua tau
THE USED main act Rockaway.
meraban pegi cari geng and ticket nak pegi rockaway.
(husband gua tader, tapi gua dah mintak izin sebelum pegi k)
semenjak2 dah kahwin ni, gua dah kurang tau pasal show2 besar.
asik duk masak kat dapur je. hahahahahah

alhamdullilah, last2 gua pegi dengan joii and izzah.
geng dulu kala layan gig/show.

point sebenar citer ni, semlm mmg memories TERBAIK.
after years of waiting for the used, AKHIRNYA DORANG DATANG!
and they looked diff, line up semua dah gemok and botak! hahah
but they're stilll pretty fit and tight bila main!!
semalam set lagu pun banyak dari first two album..
memang RIOT!! dah la hujan lebat gila.. one of the best!

ayat fav BERT semalam : SEMPOI, hahah
"this is one of the greatest song ever written.."
intro utk setiap lagu.. hahahah

semalam, how i wished gua boleh tangkap gambar..
i was so fucking near to the stage, tapi hujan lebat braahh,
basah camera, naya.. takpe, the memories remains forever in my mind.

harini, badan gua sakit2..
semalam lompat kinja2, kena tolak/belasah bagai..
dengan suara lagi hilang, but it was fucking worth it!!

and BERT, pinky promised (cute kan? pinky promise do dia sebut)
that he/they will see us real soon. weii tak sabar weii!!
well, we'll be waiting!!

ps : dear rockaway, foo fighters next year perhaps? hihihi :)

photos credit from fb rockaway fest.

Bert & hujan. awesome.

Dan, one of the sexiest beast alive. mata dia fuh fuh fuh

ps : gambar dari camera phone gua memang *&*(^&*%%. CLEAR, TERBAIK!!

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