on a personal note i would like to thank :
- ayah and mama (from A to Z for a wonderful majlis)
- my family and extended family esp adik and mubaraq
- julie,maksu and chuck for treating me like a princess,hehe
- joii,izzah and pek yang sanggup bangun awal..
- my friends who came,I LOVE YOU GUYS TO DEATH!! i seriously do,u guys are the best!
- all the wishes that were sent to me via fb,myspace,sms,calls.. and sorry to those i didn't reply.. sangat busy,penat and credit abis.. hehe
- all the guests for make it happen
and last but not least : MUHAMMAD FAIRUZ,chenta hati.. thank you for everything sayang. nothing compares to you,I LOVE YOU!
*tapi masih brutal beb.. tgk cara gelak laa kan? hahaha
*thank you so much guys.. sayang gila kat korang!
sory yang tak datang ari tu. Sedey aku tak dapat tgk wanie make up. by the way, terserlah kejelitaan mu.
kak yah : soccayh..
paham je sbb cuti panjang kan..
thanks nways!!
takleh mkn piza dahhhh
melo : thanks :)
dong : hahahaha, apa pulak.. ada lagi laaa.. mesti ada nya.. :p
congrats babe!
kawen jemput.
wanie sori sgt2 sbb tak dpt datang aritu...kerja la time tu.
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