it was bloody scary i must say.. cerita banyak tader guna..
kalau nak tau go and watch it for urself and see if you got balls or not!!
and do try to get lat nite show.. miahahahahhaha..
ps : semlm tgk pukul 930pm punya show.. abis around 11++,pastu pegi minum kat craven kejap,pastu around 12++ chow balik rumah,nasib baik tak drive,kalau tak gila cuak.. tapi lepas bean and apol drop kat rumah,dgr citer berlari masuk dalam.. ahahha apahal?
from left to right : aifaa (si mamai,mengantok,tak tgk lansung), wanie (si tutup muka dgn hoodie), apol (si pandai yang buat2 tgk orang time scary,coverline lebih), eryana (the girl in the middle.. hahaha), bean (si no expression.. wtf? tak takut ke?)
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